Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well, heavens to betsy......I just realized it's been over a month since I posted to my blog. Between my Mom's illness and the Christmas holidays, I've been paddling hard trying to keep my head above the water. Many of you have asked about my Mom, and I appreciate your prayers and well wishes. She's hanging in there, hoping to start chemo soon. I just returned from visiting her today.

The Christmas season was a good one in the Junkyard - a few sales, some good creative juices flowing....look for more Junkyard Gypsy creations to be born right after the new year.

And here New Year's Eve is upon you make resolutions? I'm still working on mine. Growing the Junkyard Gypsy line will be near the top of the list! Here's hoping you all have a happy, healthy, blessed New Year.......check back soon, OK?

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